31.   His aides have vowed to continue their string of military incursions into Ratsiraka strongholds and said they would continue to seek his arrest.

32.   Hundreds of Muslim students rallied Thursday for the third day of protests against Israeli military incursions into Palestinian territory.

33.   If true, it would be the first military incursion into Nangarhar province by Taliban troops.

34.   In an interview with BBC television, al-Faisal said Israeli military incursions should be stopped as well as Palestinian suicide bombings.

35.   Iraq made the suggestion as a way of pressuring the United States to force Israel to end its military incursions into Palestinian territory.

36.   Israeli military incursions into Palestinian towns and cities have been frequent in recent weeks.

37.   Israeli military incursions into Palestinian towns and cities have been frequent in recent weeks, but rarely only to patrol.

38.   Israeli military incursions into refugee camps are a relatively new phenomenon in the current conflict, taking place only in the last six weeks.

39.   Kothari criticized the destruction of homes during Israeli military incursions like the battle in Jenin refugee camp.

40.   Led by Powell, the State Department is putting pressure on Israel to end military incursions as a response to suicide bombings and other acts of violence.

a. + incursion >>共 170
israeli 23.90%
military 9.43%
latest 3.71%
brief 3.62%
submarine 2.95%
recent 2.95%
armed 2.86%
new 2.67%
turkish 2.48%
north_korean 2.29%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
incursion 0.12%
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