31.   His lawyers appealed, saying the jury again was not given enough chance to consider his mental capacity.

32.   It can reject the death penalty if even one juror finds that mitigating circumstances existed, such as diminished mental capacity on the part of the defendant.

33.   It also sets up a national database for tracking missing adults who are in danger because of their age or diminished mental capacity or when foul play is suspected.

34.   Malnutrition can cause blindness, reduced mental capacities, and higher child and maternal mortality rates.

35.   One issue has been whether Ms. Driscoll has the mental capacity to even recognize Barnes, much less love him.

36.   The defense could argue that diminished mental capacity makes Buford O. Furrow ineligible for execution.

37.   The defense is expected to argue that diminished mental capacity makes Buford O. Furrow ineligible for execution.

38.   The justices ruled that Coe got a fair hearing and that he has the mental capacity to understand his impending execution and reason for it.

39.   White, a former police officer and firefighter, contended his mental capacity was diminished from eating too much junk food.

40.   When DeGree was arrested, deputies were unaware of her mental capacity, said Sgt. Perri Portales-Feinstein.

a. + capacity >>共 651
full 7.57%
excess 6.90%
manufacturing 3.12%
generating 3.09%
official 2.75%
new 2.59%
refining 2.19%
limited 1.96%
private 1.59%
spare 1.56%
mental 1.46%
mental + n. >>共 642
health 25.97%
problem 3.44%
disorder 3.30%
institution 3.30%
toughness 2.67%
state 2.53%
note 1.74%
mistake 1.39%
picture 1.18%
disability 1.16%
capacity 0.85%
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