31.   Campaign finance reform is a separate issue from election reform, and wedding the two issues is likely to bog down the process of meaningful reform...

32.   During his farewell address Tuesday, Boutros-Ghali said the financial crisis itself was blocking meaningful reform.

33.   For meaningful reforms to take place, the government must, as an urgent priority, come up with a truly comprehensive action plan with specific timetables.

34.   In a farewell address broadcast on state radio Wednesday, Videnov said he hoped the elections would permit meaningful economic reform.

35.   Republicans, however, said the GOP has led the way toward meaningful health care reform.

36.   Senators say U.S. Congress to provide limited aid to IMF until it adopts meaningful reforms.

37.   Together with his Marxist resistance to any meaningful economic reform, the involvement in war has brought economic ruin to Serbia and Montenegro.

38.   With parliamentary elections coming in December and a presidential election due by next June, the prospects of any meaningful reform become ever dimmer.

39.   High-profile criticism of the court also helped to undermine the case for meaningful reform, Brittan added.

40.   But in two consecutive speeches delivered on the same day, Bush promised to quash any attempt to ease up on the Castro regime unless it undertook meaningful reforms.

a. + reform >>共 449
economic 22.79%
political 7.73%
democratic 7.06%
constitutional 3.05%
structural 2.93%
health_care 2.80%
sweeping 2.09%
proposed 1.43%
major 1.41%
electoral 1.39%
meaningful 0.33%
meaningful + n. >>共 488
way 5.19%
reform 3.35%
change 3.35%
game 2.56%
dialogue 1.76%
role 1.76%
conversation 1.60%
result 1.44%
action 1.36%
work 1.28%
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