31.   The teen spirituality book market is booming.

32.   Though the number of snowshoers is still a drop in the bucket compared with snowboarders and traditional skiers, the snowshoe market is booming.

33.   Under Rice, the city rebuilt its downtown and improved its schools, the job and housing markets boomed, crime plummeted and tax revenue rolled into city coffers.

34.   What markets are booming.

35.   With the market booming and the economy humming along, placing some portion of Social Security taxes into stocks and bonds clearly seemed attractive to many people.

36.   With a clean reputation and what experts describe as a clean, fresh flavor, the paddlefish caviar market is booming.

37.   Worldwide, the market is booming for advice on how to buy computers and install them, and for support contracts like the one Digital won from Microsoft.

38.   I expect the pest-control market to boom.

39.   The real estate market is booming in Beijing, with office towers and shopping complexes replacing quiet alleys and old shops.

40.   The real estate market is booming in affluent neighborhoods like Valle Arriba and Los Naranjos.

n. + boom >>共 205
business 23.19%
economy 13.54%
sale 5.56%
industry 4.93%
market 4.83%
artillery 2.20%
tourism 1.99%
population 1.89%
voice 1.68%
trade 1.68%
market + v. >>共 665
be 22.96%
remain 3.36%
close 3.26%
have 2.28%
continue 2.17%
fall 1.81%
open 1.72%
take 1.47%
react 1.39%
rise 1.36%
boom 0.24%
每页显示:    共 46