31.   If Bush fails to win an injunction against the manual counts, a prospect that even GOP officials say is likely, his next step would be fateful.

32.   Late Monday, spokeswoman Denise Cote said the manual count did not match up with the last machine count but refused to discuss details.

33.   Manual counts continue in Broward and Palm Beach.

34.   Manual counts continue in Broward and Palm Beach counties.

35.   On Friday, the Miami-Dade County board chose to begin a manual count Sunday.

36.   Republican lawyer Miguel De Grandy said the use of the machine to separate the ballots would mean it was not a manual count.

37.   The board kept working after Harris rejected the manual count and finished about two hours later.

38.   The Board determined that the sample manual count revealed an error in the vote tabulation that could affect the outcome of the election.

39.   The manual count for sample precincts was completed a couple of hours before midnight, but the mechanical recount of the entire county was continuing.

40.   Volusia and Palm Beach counties want to continue their manual counts through Saturday.

a. + count >>共 388
full 9.02%
final 5.71%
official 4.79%
accurate 4.28%
single 3.67%
the 3.57%
manual 2.09%
last 2.04%
second 1.83%
first 1.83%
manual + n. >>共 192
recount 31.48%
transmission 10.28%
labor 6.75%
typewriter 6.12%
worker 3.30%
count 3.22%
system 2.67%
gearbox 2.35%
control 2.28%
laborer 2.04%
每页显示:    共 41