31.   The result was that an increasing number of agents joined the management ranks.

32.   These areas provide the best chances for moving into the uppermost management ranks.

33.   These kinds of sexual harassment cases involving a female supervisor will become increasingly common as more women move up the management ranks, Magenheim said.

34.   There have been a lot of ex-IBMers in the management ranks at Lotus.

35.   To rejuvenate its management ranks, Toyota Motor will set age limits for managers of certain positions.

36.   UPS filled its management ranks with industrial engineers who made small-package sorting and delivery an exact science.

37.   Warner Music is not alone in undergoing upheaval in its management ranks.

38.   Wages were a casualty of the downsizing in management ranks.

39.   With her appointment, Pearson will have two women in its top management ranks, a rarity for a large British company.

40.   America Online Inc. announced a shakeup today in its management ranks, replacing Marc Andreessen, its visionary technology chief, with Sun Microsystems executive William J. Raduchel.

n. + rank >>共 219
college 8.24%
rebel 8.24%
management 7.39%
police 5.04%
opposition 3.87%
army 3.19%
government 2.35%
second 2.18%
class 2.02%
officer 2.02%
management + n. >>共 818
team 9.03%
company 5.76%
firm 3.59%
change 3.00%
system 2.87%
style 2.83%
consultant 2.22%
business 2.06%
fee 1.97%
plan 1.76%
rank 0.49%
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