31.   They said the savings would be made by cutting layers of managers and tightening controls on medical services.

32.   They said the savings would be made by eliminating layers of managers and tightening controls on medical services.

33.   Where are they going to make the savings?

34.   When big banks come together, they typically attempt to crunch incompatible computer systems together and to make savings by cutting staff and branches.

35.   Other area where savings can be made are in backroom operations such as cost of running computers and processing data.

36.   Although they want people to make savings in their respective banks, the same depositors are denied loans in times of need.

37.   But in the long run, savings could be made in the form of improved hygiene, improved availability and quality, longer storage life and processing convenience.

38.   But in wanting to help the national economy, one must look for ways where savings can be made so that there will be prudent use of financial resources.

39.   In order to make further savings, it is considering asking parents of those who are already on the scholarship programme to share the expenses.

40.   On Friday, a day after the government and the International Monetary Fund announced Brazil would move to make new savings, stock and currency values eroded.

v. + saving >>共 353
use 5.08%
achieve 4.66%
make 3.04%
have 2.88%
lose 2.83%
withdraw 2.72%
keep 2.41%
produce 2.36%
pass_on 2.25%
increase 2.25%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
saving 0.04%
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