31.   Rats can also make a link between illness and any new food they have tried recently and will avoid it in future.

32.   So far, no direct link has been made between the prehistoric art traditions and those of the Indian tribes that inhabited the region in historic times.

33.   Solomon acknowledged that no definitive links have been made between pesticides and disease, but said that the health implications of heavy exposure are nevertheless clear.

34.   Subsequent degrees of separation are based on the number of people needed to make the link.

35.   The French have a long way to go in making that link.

36.   The fateful link was made by the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann.

37.   The pad also has a data port, so that an external link can be made between the microcontroller and a computer.

38.   The Rev. Chris DeGiovine, director of campus ministry at Saint Rose, said he brought students here to help them make a link between their faith and action.

39.   They celebrate Chinese festivals with other families and have made links to Chinese cultural institutions in New York.

40.   This kind of opportunity to make links is something I value.

v. + link >>共 484
have 24.91%
deny 6.74%
establish 4.81%
provide 3.01%
find 2.91%
forge 2.47%
sever 2.16%
maintain 2.04%
include 1.79%
investigate 1.39%
make 1.32%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
link 0.04%
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