31.   It showed that a strong majority of Palestinians supported an immediate cease-fire and a return to peace negotiations.

32.   JPEG is a common picture format, and the majority of viewers support it.

33.   Large majorities of Republicans supported Bush.

34.   Later, Ahmanson also said a majority of shareholders supported a fourth proposal that would require Great Western to open its books and negotiate in good faith.

35.   Nationally, polls show that a majority of Americans support the death penalty, though that support has gradually eroded.

36.   Observers believe the chances of passing a bill are better this year because the Republican majority in Congress supports deregulation.

37.   Opinion polls suggest that a majority of voters support the change to a republic.

38.   Oslo-based Nycomed said a majority of shareholders supported the merger, but the transaction would fail to draw the required two-thirds majority needed for approval.

39.   Polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans support a military response against global terrorism, for now.

40.   Polls have shown a majority of Americans support the assault-weapon ban, and President Clinton has firmly promised to veto any attempt at repeal.

n. + support >>共 1229
government 5.09%
administration 3.20%
group 2.78%
party 2.75%
majority 2.08%
country 2.02%
evidence 1.76%
people 1.55%
voter 1.53%
member 1.49%
majority + v. >>共 510
be 23.41%
say 4.80%
support 3.44%
want 3.20%
vote 3.04%
have 2.69%
oppose 2.43%
believe 2.29%
favor 2.13%
do 1.09%
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