31.   Egypt, already a major source of manpower, contributed military spares with which, as a former customer of the USSR, it was handsomely stocked.

32.   As PACs have become the major source of campaign funds, inability to win PAC support may mean a candidate cannot mount an adequate campaign.

33.   Wood pulping and bleaching involving chlorine, we now know, are major sources of dioxins.

34.   Our interest lies in measuring the gastric secretory response to food, the major source of ingested bacteria.

35.   Activated lipocytes are also the major source of the interstitial collagens which are produced in excess during liver fibrosis and cirrhosis and replace the normal basement membrane matrix.

36.   Law codes are a major source for the Anglo-Saxon period, and those which Archbishop Wulfstan of York wrote for thelred and Cnut are among the most extensive.

37.   As a result, although he is our major narrative source for the period, he is not a reliable guide to the opening decades of the Merovingian kingdom.

38.   The issue of Dissent survived as a major source of conflict.

39.   It is often suggested that the succession issue was a major source of controversy between Whigs and Tories.

40.   In the medium and long term, the major sources of monetary growth are banks choosing to operate with a lower liquidity ratio and government borrowing.

a. + source >>共 506
military 8.28%
diplomatic 6.34%
official 3.28%
palestinian 3.01%
informed 2.84%
major 2.75%
unidentified 2.45%
judicial 2.12%
main 2.11%
israeli 1.97%
major + n. >>共 1020
currency 3.00%
city 2.43%
problem 1.81%
change 1.52%
issue 1.36%
company 1.34%
role 1.22%
championship 1.15%
player 0.98%
bank 0.94%
source 0.82%
每页显示:    共 588