31.   COPIES of a register which is aimed at maintaining hygiene standards are likely to go on sale.

32.   NAMAS, specialists in the field of laboratory techniques, was set up by the government to raise and maintain the standards of laboratory work.

33.   The fundamental requirement must in the end of any prestigious academic institution, to be a place where academic standards are maintained.

34.   But the fundamental requirement must in the end, of any prestigious academic institution, to be a place where academic standards are maintained.

35.   And Martin is very dedicated, very passionate, and would kill himself to maintain standards.

36.   At Northeastern, officials defend University Court as an important means of maintaining behavior standards on campus and providing victims with a confidential way to fight back.

37.   Additionally, IBEW workers will receive cash bonuses for maintaining service standards.

38.   But he was universally considered a dedicated, honest and meticulous craftsman who fought hard to maintain high standards and who enriched the screen with several major humanistic movies.

39.   But life and art seem fused for a true believer like Johnson, who contends that things of value emerge only when high standards are maintained.

40.   But that will happen only if the doctors somehow can maintain their lofty quality standards without letting costs get out of hand.

v. + standard >>共 528
meet 17.54%
set 15.84%
raise 4.43%
have 3.23%
establish 2.73%
develop 2.13%
maintain 2.11%
adopt 2.08%
apply 1.93%
lower 1.87%
maintain + n. >>共 867
innocence 4.21%
control 3.78%
tie 3.11%
relation 2.70%
order 2.50%
contact 2.47%
security 1.56%
stability 1.39%
sanction 1.33%
peace 1.24%
standard 0.89%
每页显示:    共 113