31.   Stymied by opposition from Japan, the countries agreed to reconsider the proposals, which would lower tariffs in nine major industries, at the World Trade Organization.

32.   Supporters said the agreement will open vast new markets for U.S. manufacturers, farmers and service providers by lowering tariffs and erasing other trade barriers.

33.   The deficit comes as the growing economy boosts domestic spending and imports, and Egypt has lowered import tariffs, at the behest of the IMF, Lubin said.

34.   The GATT agreement will remove or lower many tariffs on imported products.

35.   The government has outlined a five-year plan to gradually increase local tariffs while lowering international tariffs.

36.   The House vote would confer permanent normal trade status on China and is tied to a U.S.-China pact that calls for China to lower its tariffs.

37.   The key is to use an agreement among APEC members to convince Japan and Europe to lower fish tariffs, Hunter said.

38.   The move would greatly help its exports by lowering tariffs on Russian-made goods.

39.   The pact has wide corporate support because it would require China to lower tariffs, end restrictive business rules and dismantle many other trade barriers.

40.   The pact would dramatically lower tariffs, the charges that nations impose on imported goods in an effort to protect their own industries.

v. + tariff >>共 183
impose 16.07%
reduce 10.26%
lower 9.47%
eliminate 6.76%
raise 5.73%
cut 3.66%
pay 2.55%
slap 2.39%
increase 2.31%
slash 1.83%
lower + n. >>共 708
cost 10.47%
price 10.11%
rate 7.66%
expectation 3.36%
tax 2.80%
risk 2.78%
flag 2.36%
level 2.29%
barrier 2.15%
head 2.05%
tariff 1.93%
每页显示:    共 118