31.   Cuba will rescind the new phone tax once it has offset the money lost from its escrow account, he said.

32.   Enough vegetation had been lost from the Sahara, enough bare ground exposed, that precipitation declined sharply and barrenness began to spread like wildfire.

33.   Freeman believes Robinson was alone and lost from the group when he hid the chest after his last ox died on the mountain.

34.   From lost in the USSR to a playland in Middle America.

35.   Glaxo Wellcome Plc has the most to lose from the Pryor amendment.

36.   Gottschalks, whose main trade area is Central California, may have the most to lose from a large new competitor in the region.

37.   He has run well in both scrimmages, like the old days, but Westhoff would still hate to lose him from the special teams.

38.   He may have thought that he had little to gain and much to lose from any association with the Nation of Islam.

39.   He has little to win and everything to lose from accepting defeat.

40.   He said Colbun announced its plans first and Endesa has the most to lose from a drop in prices.

v. + from >>共 1015
learn 3.51%
make 3.43%
die 3.01%
ban 2.92%
hang 1.50%
profit 1.45%
shy_away 1.36%
disappear 1.35%
report 1.33%
watch 1.22%
lose 0.16%
lose + p. >>共 82
on 31.95%
for 14.49%
by 9.26%
at 8.02%
with 4.49%
because_of 3.14%
during 3.08%
from 2.97%
after 2.43%
as 1.87%
每页显示:    共 136