31.   Back then, I looked like some one with the wherewithal to buy things.

32.   Because oat bran is very pale in color, this loaf looks almost like white bread.

33.   Benji can look like a broken-down old cab horse with a real Novice on his back or he can look really smart.

34.   Beware of anything that looks like a do-it-yourself job - crooked power points, for example.

35.   Bit by bit, our apartment started to look like a home.

36.   Both works end on a possible return, on what might look like a bleak diminuendo but is really an anxiety state.

37.   Boy, you look like death warmed over this morning!

38.   Brunel University claim their dressing room looked like a casualty unit after the clash with Hayes.

39.   But be careful, too much powder can make you look like an old granny with grey hair!

40.   But being simpler, the missions communicate a clearer essence of what the built environment in Southern California ought to look like.

v. + like >>共 668
look 31.90%
sound 9.89%
feel 9.30%
act 2.81%
treat 2.26%
play 1.97%
shape 1.33%
behave 1.23%
taste 0.96%
work 0.88%
look + p. >>共 73
like 69.45%
over 4.07%
in 2.81%
beyond 2.60%
around 2.50%
toward 1.97%
upon 1.77%
across 1.25%
down 1.18%
past 1.09%
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