31.   The padlock on the chain link fence around the warehouse had been changed early on Monday morning.

32.   The wooded lot was enclosed by an eight-foot chain link fence topped with barbed wire.

33.   Then the marchers left their crosses and banners in the chain link fence.

34.   Tufts of insulation were shot through the chain link fences in some places, and a white plastic dryer vent hose hung like a streamer in one tree.

35.   When Randy Johnson took the bullpen mound, the crowd behind the chain link fence was seven deep and shouting.

36.   Along a chain link fence between the old ballpark and the new one, somebody placed three bouquets of flowers Thursday.

37.   Another plane rested upside down on a chain link fence behind it.

38.   Chain link fences and corrugated metal barriers separate the neighborhood from the river.

39.   Firefighters and police cut through a chain link fence to lower the victims from the grandstands.

40.   Hurling themselves against it, they managed to open a narrow gap in the first layer, a chain link fence, before being turned back by police.

n. + fence >>共 226
chain-link 13.13%
border 7.70%
security 6.33%
perimeter 5.85%
left-field 5.43%
wire 5.19%
barbed-wire 4.60%
center-field 3.70%
right-field 3.34%
chain 2.99%
link 2.75%
link + n. >>共 258
fence 9.68%
course 5.68%
computer 4.00%
trade 3.37%
road 2.53%
golf 1.89%
record 1.26%
aid 1.26%
section 1.26%
sausage 1.05%
每页显示:    共 46