31.   But he left the impression that he intended to step up the pace of expansion and plant new settlements in populated Arab areas of the West Bank.

32.   But he left the impression that he had an eye on the rewards.

33.   But in politics, appearances of impropriety leave lasting impressions.

34.   But he has left the impression that he would hold nothing back.

35.   But his supportive line of questioning during the hearings this week left the impression that he might ultimately back the nominee.

36.   But most important, it leaves the impression that pastoral work by the laity is simply provisional, a second-best expedient required by the want of priests.

37.   But Republicans cited a string of documents that left the impression that Gore knew, or should have known, that money would be raised at the temple.

38.   But perhaps the strongest impression was left by Lee Sellars, a Chicago actor.

39.   But Shelby keeps postponing hearings and raising new issues, leaving the impression that he would rather undermine the nomination than vote on it.

40.   But the Americans continued the discussion in the hope of changing a few minds, and left the impression that there might be some flexibility, the diplomat said.

v. + impression >>共 182
give 25.98%
make 16.34%
leave 9.43%
get 7.65%
create 7.28%
have 5.61%
reinforce 2.72%
convey 1.89%
confirm 1.15%
do 1.10%
leave + n. >>共 926
country 4.98%
office 3.08%
game 2.96%
room 2.27%
home 1.93%
town 1.56%
hospital 1.48%
company 1.43%
field 1.27%
area 1.27%
impression 0.43%
每页显示:    共 179