31.   Saez, who led the polls until earlier this year, is given little chance of winning.

32.   This year, for the first time, sentiment favoring a unilateral withdrawal led public opinion polls.

33.   Fujimori is leading the polls with former UN secretary general Javier Perez de Cuellar running second.

34.   He is leading the polls with former UN secretary general Javier Perez de Cuellar running second.

35.   After leading the polls for months, his poll rating collapsed in February.

36.   Also from Cochabamba, Manfred Reyes Villa, a rightist populist, is leading polls, just three days away from elections, for which campaigning closed Thursday.

37.   When Balladur led the polls his supporters constantly called for Chirac to stand down in the interests of rightwing unity.

38.   Leading the poll was centre-right Freedom Alliance candidate Gabriele Albertini while Olive Tree hopeful Aldo Fumagalli came in second, exit polls indicated.

39.   Leading the polls is Arnoldo Aleman, a heavy-set coffee grower who cuts the figure of an old style strongman.

40.   Since the launching of the real, Cardoso has led the polls.

v. + poll >>共 308
conduct 11.41%
boycott 6.52%
hold 4.45%
take 4.05%
publish 2.32%
contest 2.27%
release 2.03%
lead 1.98%
win 1.93%
leave 1.88%
lead + n. >>共 844
way 5.64%
team 5.53%
decline 3.20%
league 2.78%
group 2.61%
delegation 2.14%
country 2.04%
nation 2.00%
charge 1.84%
effort 1.81%
poll 0.21%
每页显示:    共 40