31.   After they were safe, Craig Scott led the group in prayer for their siblings trapped inside.

32.   Allen leads a group of rushers that has posted numbers comparable to Patriots teams of the past.

33.   Brown had been leading the group of government officials and U.S. businessmen who were seeking ways to rebuild the war-shattered region.

34.   Bufete led a group that bid on the project.

35.   British Aerospace Plc of the U.K., Daimler-Benz Aerospace of Germany, Alenia of Italy and Casa of Spain lead the group planning to build the jet.

36.   Campolo led the group in a prayer for Agnes.

37.   By God, if you needed someone to lead a group straight into enemy flak as if they were on rails, Bush was your man.

38.   Carradine had brought with him four teachers, including two martial arts experts who led the group through exercises for most of the first two hours.

39.   Climbers included Ed Viesturs of Seattle, who, without oxygen, led the group to the top.

40.   Close is leading a group of quake victims who are attempting to resolve differences with lenders over who should control the insurance settlements.

v. + group >>共 783
join 4.60%
lead 4.13%
say 1.88%
accuse 1.53%
support 1.50%
include 1.48%
head 1.43%
represent 1.20%
have 1.17%
take 1.15%
lead + n. >>共 844
way 5.64%
team 5.53%
decline 3.20%
league 2.78%
group 2.61%
delegation 2.14%
country 2.04%
nation 2.00%
charge 1.84%
effort 1.81%
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