31.   But some influential lawmakers had other ideas.

32.   But the lawmakers have had trouble convincing officials from other parts of the state to go along.

33.   But the lawmakers will have an eye on the U.S. Supreme Court, where a ruling in favor of Bush could bring a swift end to the election controversy.

34.   But the veteran lawmaker has thus far had great success steering the bill through the Republican Congress.

35.   But Watkins painted Lay in a more favorable light than lawmakers have.

36.   Congressional scholars at the time had trouble recalling another instance when a lawmaker without a seat on the committee with jurisdiction had so much influence over such important legislation.

37.   Democrats believe they will have the best chance to defeat the impeachment resolution if wavering lawmakers have the alternative of voting to censure President Clinton.

38.   Democrats have argued that by writing this practice into the Constitution, lawmakers may have their hands tied when it comes to protecting the program down the road.

39.   Democrats said the GOP called off the meeting to resolve problems that some Republican lawmakers have with the bill.

40.   During his State of the State address, Bush noted that Texas lawmakers have a chance to show Congress and other states how to operate.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
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people 1.78%
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lawmaker 0.13%
lawmaker + v. >>共 977
say 10.39%
be 7.62%
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vote 1.97%
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