31.   One executive suggested that the combined group may pay Prudential an even larger break-up fee to avert another law suit.

32.   Paying for intellectual property makes sense since the alternatives are to conduct expensive research and development of their own or face patent law suits.

33.   Peters said Hartford might join a law suit against the NFL.

34.   So far, Philadelphia has held off from joining seven other cities in filing potentially expensive law suits against the gun manufacturers.

35.   She won a law suit for the return of a Mercedes and other valuables confiscated from Churbanov.

36.   The act is enforced through Justice Department law suits in response to complaints of discrimination.

37.   The campaign would not immediately file law suits of its own, he said.

38.   The commission legislation would force EU companies to ignore law suits filed in the U.S. under the Helms-Burton Act, which aims to curb investment in Cuba.

39.   The Cowboys signed agreements with Pepsi and Nike over the protest of the revenue-sharing NFL, which filed a law suit.

40.   The new framework will offer protection from law suits.

n. + suit >>共 564
class-action 10.37%
business 10.23%
libel 5.91%
discrimination 3.33%
defamation 2.81%
law 2.75%
malpractice 2.20%
shareholder 1.93%
track 1.79%
damage 1.76%
law + n. >>共 320
enforcement 14.88%
firm 11.80%
official 11.75%
school 8.22%
agency 6.62%
professor 5.37%
officer 4.85%
degree 3.75%
student 2.39%
authority 2.09%
suit 0.78%
每页显示:    共 99