31.   But state law provides little guidance as to what those situations are.

32.   But Pennsylvania law provides that all shareholders must receive equal treatment unless a majority votes to waive that requirement.

33.   But the law provides protections for drivers, like keeping photos confidential, allowing time for appeal and setting cameras so they only catch the flagrant violators.

34.   But the panel said this law alone can provide no more than a safety net for maintaining biological diversity.

35.   But state stadium district law provides money only for baseball, not football stadiums.

36.   But the law also provides a way for food manufacturers to make health claims, even though the rules are quite restrictive.

37.   But the law provides that the utilities reimburse the independent producers for the tax and pass the cost on to customers.

38.   But to get the protections the law provides, reservists and guardsmen must follow a couple of rules.

39.   Conservatives argued that current law provided the wrong incentives.

40.   Current law provides only for restitution from parents for car theft.

n. + provide >>共 1658
company 4.80%
government 3.29%
law 1.57%
report 1.52%
program 1.33%
bill 1.32%
official 1.24%
agreement 1.18%
system 1.03%
state 0.96%
law + v. >>共 527
be 14.23%
require 10.82%
allow 7.46%
prohibit 4.86%
make 2.67%
give 2.41%
apply 2.12%
bar 2.04%
forbid 2.00%
have 1.84%
provide 1.71%
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