31.   Coastal airports in particular could have longer waits this summer because a larger proportion of their passengers check in rather than transfer.

32.   Even before the turn of the century, Bethell noted, Harvard always had a larger proportion of Jewish and Irish students than any comparable college.

33.   Fijians have traditionally glorified larger proportions and worried more about being too thin than about getting fat, Becker says.

34.   Ford and Chrysler buy a much larger proportion of their parts from outside suppliers that often are not unionized.

35.   Fundia said its larger proportion of specialty steel brought it higher average prices for its products.

36.   Groups that aim services at minorities are clamoring for a larger proportion of money.

37.   However, people in L poorer nations will still live a larger proportion of their de- clining years with significant disabil- ity.

38.   However, people in poorer nations will still live a larger proportion of their declining years with significant disability.

39.   If Miller can do the same against the Magic, his fame could reach even larger proportions.

40.   In addition, blacks now make up a larger proportion of voters in New York State.

a. + proportion >>共 372
high 7.11%
large 6.74%
higher 5.79%
small 5.42%
epidemic 3.46%
larger 3.19%
significant 3.05%
epic 2.82%
greater 2.55%
direct 2.55%
larger + n. >>共 1040
company 3.05%
number 2.64%
role 2.15%
group 1.93%
issue 1.85%
one 1.82%
share 1.76%
problem 1.20%
question 1.12%
amount 1.07%
proportion 0.55%
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