31.   It shoots a beam into the air about five miles out that the pilot lines up with and follows in to land the plane.

32.   Military hospitals are off-limits and the government shuts down the airports whenever it lands its planes.

33.   Moussaoui took some flight training lessons in Oklahoma, seeking to learn how to steer but not land a plane.

34.   No one was injured, the plane landed safely, and evacuation measures were not necessary, the spokesman, Mark Marchese, said.

35.   Rather than landing the planes and off-loading the food, Air Force personnel help release boxes carrying the bright yellow rations while flying over pre-selected targets.

36.   Several pilots say there is nothing worse than an onboard fire and the only option is to land the plane as quickly as possible.

37.   She landed the plane.

38.   Shorter plane trips, for one thing, plus fewer delays and a lot more airports ready to land planes in bad weather.

39.   She said Reid had flown the plane once while Jessica took a nap and that he also had landed the plane in Cheyenne.

40.   Stephanie Manus was critical of American for landing the plane in the middle of a thunderstorm.

v. + plane >>共 693
board 7.36%
fly 4.74%
shoot 3.18%
use 2.92%
hijack 2.52%
hit 2.00%
send 1.90%
leave 1.64%
ground 1.44%
land 1.36%
land + n. >>共 555
job 13.86%
right 6.32%
plane 4.41%
punch 3.65%
site 1.87%
contract 1.82%
blow 1.70%
fee 1.53%
role 1.36%
pad 1.27%
每页显示:    共 103