31.   Because all land belongs to the state, local authorities often agree to let foreign developers use land without consulting the residents.

32.   But to the men in the pits, the land belongs to them.

33.   Dozens of East Timorese moved in soon afterward, claiming that since their country had been illegally occupied for centuries, the building and land rightfully belonged to them.

34.   However, Syria and Lebanon claim the land belongs to Lebanon.

35.   However, Syria and Lebanon say the land belongs to Lebanon.

36.   However, Muslims say the land belongs to the Islamic Trust, or Waqf, and demand that a large mosque be built on the site.

37.   In Tomang, the victims said they feared they would never be able to rebuild their houses because they had been informed the land belonged to the state.

38.   In the past, all land technically belonged to the king.

39.   In Vietnam, all land belongs to the government but people have legal rights to use it.

40.   Josh Adler, an immigrant from Brooklyn, New York, who has lived in Efrat for six years, said the land belongs to the settlement.

n. + belong >>共 1141
plane 2.21%
land 1.92%
day 1.85%
man 1.56%
night 1.45%
house 1.19%
job 1.08%
family 1.05%
money 1.05%
car 1.00%
land + v. >>共 277
be 45.34%
belong 5.04%
have 2.70%
remain 2.63%
become 2.35%
lie 1.52%
come 0.97%
support 0.83%
go 0.76%
grab 0.76%
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