31.   The feasible real wage will be determined by, for example, unit labour costs and the mark up over unit labour costs.

32.   Does my honourable friend agree that one of the reasons this country is so successful at attracting inward investment is because of those lower non-wage labour costs?

33.   Increased manning of the slaughter line increased the labour cost but also resulted in a higher quality product with a longer shelf life.

34.   Each farm is small enough to be managed by a family which means labour costs are low and great attention is paid to quality and presentation.

35.   Even opting out of the social chapter to undercut the core on labour costs will not ultimately compensate for complete isolation.

36.   If the growth of labour costs exceeds that of productivity, the profit share is squeezed.

37.   It is one thing to describe the key role played by rising labour costs and another to explain why they rose.

38.   The effect is for labour costs to rise relative to the price of the product.

39.   Second, commercialism in the form of tighter financial constraints and increasing competition has created pressures on state enterprise management to cut labour costs and increase flexibility.

40.   Low labour costs have resulted in the Far East emerging as a major spectacle-making region of the world.

a. + cost >>共 604
borrowing 9.97%
high 7.43%
higher 6.19%
lower 5.73%
rising 3.26%
operating 3.21%
medical 2.25%
cutting 1.96%
health_care 1.84%
extra 1.84%
labour 0.60%
labour + n. >>共 366
party 7.95%
leader 7.53%
government 6.19%
cost 4.38%
movement 4.03%
force 3.80%
camp 2.88%
shortage 2.34%
group 2.23%
standard 2.19%
每页显示:    共 113