31.   Tom Butler, a spokesman for the Uniformed Firefighters, declined to discuss the labor situation.

32.   While many are expecting the local and national economy to be restrained by tighter Federal Reserve monetary policy, the bigger problem is the labor situation.

33.   Others were in forced labor situations, and some were killed by the Serbs in the Bosanski Novi and Sanski Most areas, he said.

34.   Others were reportedly in forced labor situations, and some were killed by the Serbs in the Bosanski Novi and Sanski Most areas.

35.   Personal consumption and the labor market situation are also improving slowly but surely, Matsushita said.

36.   Ramos said among the most urgent recommendations in the are those calling for monitoring of the labor situation to prevent more layoffs or closures of companies.

37.   But Iijima said that the labor situation is still severe and the outlook remains uncertain.

38.   Even the labor situation can be a subject of quantitative analysis and design.

39.   I think they will postpone spending until there is a definitive understanding of the labor market situation.

40.   Its visit to Indonesia was aimed at independently assessing the labor rights situation.

n. + situation >>共 700
security 14.35%
hostage 3.83%
win-win 2.79%
quarterback 2.53%
pressure 2.28%
crisis 1.77%
labor 1.74%
market 1.74%
refugee 1.68%
employment 1.65%
labor + n. >>共 359
market 9.06%
cost 8.05%
law 5.74%
leader 5.46%
dispute 5.22%
camp 4.09%
force 2.58%
group 2.48%
unrest 2.48%
movement 2.28%
situation 0.47%
每页显示:    共 55