31.   No sensible business executive would force the retirement of an able subordinate simply because he or she had served a certain number of years in a key post.

32.   Pfister took his concerns to the governor, but Symington pushed them aside and named Leckie to a key Project SLIM post.

33.   Powell campaigned with Bush, who repeatedly hinted that Powell was destined for the key cabinet post.

34.   Promising reconciliation, the RPF has named Hutus to several key posts in the new government.

35.   Scores of key sub-cabinet posts will also need to be filled.

36.   Senators from both parties agree the chief executive is entitled to name the people he wants to key posts.

37.   Since then, she has held key posts with the American Association of Airport Executives and the Air Transport Association of America.

38.   Some of his foreign policy aides later held key posts in the Reagan administration.

39.   Southern Californians are being named to other key posts.

40.   Surely their nominations are no more offensive than the back-channel loyalists Bill Clinton appointed to key posts in the Justice Department and the financial regulatory system.

a. + post >>共 742
cabinet 8.51%
new 6.81%
top 5.51%
military 4.33%
key 3.48%
far 3.46%
right 3.20%
left 2.92%
low 2.73%
ministerial 2.32%
key + n. >>共 831
player 4.92%
issue 4.43%
role 4.39%
element 1.96%
figure 1.83%
factor 1.81%
part 1.65%
point 1.58%
member 1.51%
question 1.48%
post 0.89%
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