31.   The copy of the court order should be kept with the declaration of trust.

32.   If letting him make love to her was the price for keeping him with her all night she would pay it gladly.

33.   But this goat, which is kept with the sheep for similar reasons, has to be separated.

34.   Champagne, the tipple of the Eighties, is shunned as hedonistic and not in keeping with the belt-tightening Nineties.

35.   Is it one where you have to keep it with you?

36.   Yes, okay, label them, and were actually kept with the video recorders, that would be immensely helpful.

37.   All this at a time when the area longs for an image of stability to lure companies here so that jobs keep pace with population.

38.   Also, consider getting a cellular phone and keeping it with you at all times.

39.   Although it will increase your premium, an inflation rider will guarantee that coverage keeps pace with the rising cost of care.

40.   Although the Park Service won in court, Sullivan asked for a compromise on the issue to keep peace with the residents.

v. + with >>共 1051
work 7.83%
come 4.23%
begin 2.27%
cover 1.84%
stay 1.56%
struggle 1.44%
sign 1.35%
combine 1.34%
follow 1.19%
move 0.94%
keep 0.16%
keep + p. >>共 82
out 20.46%
for 14.20%
in_touch_with 11.00%
with 10.50%
as 6.53%
pace 6.17%
in 3.32%
within 3.09%
down 2.38%
after 1.73%
每页显示:    共 355