31.   Several other journalists also have gone into hiding, including Frank Kposowa, editor of the independent newspaper Unity Now and president of the Sierra Leone association of journalists.

32.   She said that an ideal journalist should go deep into matters they wanted expressed, whether for TV or print.

33.   Some wept as the long columns of cars and buses carrying the comandante, negotiators and journalists went by.

34.   The government warned Kinshasa newspaper editors on Wednesday that other journalists could go to prison, according to the newspaper Le Potentiel.

35.   The journalists went on strike, waiting for a deal to be negotiated between their leaders and peace officials.

36.   The three journalists went into hiding after ruling party legislators ordered their arrest for contempt of parliament on Tuesday.

37.   The two journalists went to China on Friday and were not heard from until their return a week later.

38.   There is a salary freeze and journalists can no longer go on reporting trips abroad, said August Parengkuan, deputy chief editor.

39.   Three opposition journalists will go on trial for publishing articles accusing a former minister of cheating during parliamentary elections last year, Egyptian newspapers reported Monday.

40.   Two journalists went on trial Saturday on charges of publishing a newspaper without a license.

n. + go >>共 1293
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journalist 0.06%
journalist + v. >>共 679
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