31.   Jobs can take you to different states, even overseas.

32.   Jobs has taken on a larger role at the company since Amelio was forced out, according to other executives with the company.

33.   Jobs took pains to stress that the company is not seeking to put those stores out of business.

34.   Occasionally, the job takes a dangerous turn.

35.   On the fast machines I tested with the final version, the job took a little more than a half-hour.

36.   Officials said Thursday that job may take two weeks.

37.   Only once did Starr seem weary of his role, when Rep. Mary Bono, R-Calif., asked him sympathetically about the toll his job was taking.

38.   Our jobs took us away from the sheep.

39.   --Shops are required by law to give a written estimate and there are reference manuals that specify how long a job should take.

40.   Sometimes his job takes him to labs before police.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
company 1.62%
people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
job 0.12%
job + v. >>共 530
be 53.37%
go 3.27%
require 2.67%
have 1.84%
come 1.57%
become 1.42%
take 1.30%
disappear 1.10%
involve 1.10%
pay 0.92%
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