31.   And Democrats on Tuesday expressed concern over some White House positions, on issues like the census and an apparent compromise with Republicans on aid for farmers.

32.   And next to that trio, Bush has appeared more moderate by focusing less on issues like abortion and homosexuality.

33.   And on issues like abortion and gun control, Bush is either decidedly or arguably right of center.

34.   And foreign affairs issues like Haiti, Bosnia and Ireland were giving the president a credible role.

35.   And issues like the head scarf helped Refah.

36.   And recent trends in scholarship have placed issues like gender and sexuality at the center of certain fields.

37.   And one White House official said the Clinton administration did not want to get dragged into unresolved issues like the size of a settlement.

38.   And organizations focusing on hot-button issues like organic regulations and genetically altered food use the Internet to drive the public debate.

39.   And publicly, he disagrees with Bob Dole on major issues like abortion, immigration, affirmative action, gun control, tobacco and race.

40.   And then there are foreign policy issues like what happened in Chile.

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