31.   Reporters take turns inviting colorful people to lunch and writing up the encounters in the way they might describe them to their families.

32.   She must have craved an audience because she kept inviting people to visit what she called her playhouse.

33.   She jokes that during their first four years of marriage, she and her husband might have invited six people to dinner.

34.   She went to the endless parties and meetings of cardinals and archbishops and the other ambassadors and invited all the same people to her own parties and meetings.

35.   Sixty people were invited, but only six have accepted so far.

36.   Some are choosing sites that are in the center of town or on well-traveled streets and even inviting people into the shelters for domestic violence workshops.

37.   Strollers smiled and chatted with strangers, people invited neighbors over to check out the snow-capped palm and then have a cup of tea.

38.   That night, you know, he invited four people to dinner at his club, and booked a table for four!

39.   The book began when Bader wrote about inviting people to a cocktail party.

40.   The communication that happens when you invite people over is so important.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
invite 0.14%
invite + n. >>共 865
leader 3.54%
friend 2.97%
people 2.26%
reporter 1.68%
official 1.65%
guest 1.54%
comparison 1.43%
bid 1.36%
public 1.32%
representative 1.25%
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