31.   College officials, meanwhile, asserted that the camera had been installed to prevent burglaries.

32.   Crew noted that last month the ACLU successfully fought a proposal to install security cameras in Oakland.

33.   Detective Sgt. Richard Laursen said Pearlman told investigators he installed the camera to make sure his tenants did not smoke in the apartment.

34.   Earlier this week, JetBlue became the first airline to install tiny cameras in a passenger cabin.

35.   Federal Bureau of Investigation technicians Tuesday began installing surveillance cameras inside and outside of the courthouse.

36.   Giuliani also said that video surveillance had become an effective and popular crime-fighting tool in public housing projects, where the city began installing cameras last year.

37.   He also contacted the Guinness Book of Records and arranged with ABC News to install a camera in the plane.

38.   He also installed two cameras to beef-up security.

39.   If the city decides to stick with video, it will send out bids and start installing cameras in new squad cars by June, Koenig said.

40.   In a letter to City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo, Weiss said he was concerned whether the firm will install the remaining cameras.

v. + camera >>共 397
use 8.63%
install 5.45%
have 4.31%
allow 4.14%
turn 2.75%
take 2.70%
ban 2.18%
put 1.83%
face 1.79%
bar 1.74%
install + n. >>共 997
system 5.45%
software 4.43%
equipment 4.18%
camera 2.90%
device 2.13%
program 2.04%
line 1.65%
detector 1.37%
government 1.35%
technology 1.18%
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