31.   The government has said it will not allow inspections to resume until the Security Council agrees to deal with the sanctions.

32.   The inspections resumed the next day, and there have been no major confrontations since.

33.   The Security Council meets Saturday to assess the latest overture from Saddam Hussein to comply with U.N. resolutions and to allow weapons inspections to resume.

34.   Threatened with imminent U.S. airstrikes, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz sent a letter to Annan on Saturday saying Iraq had agreed to allow inspections to resume.

35.   U.N. spokesman Eric Falt blamed the fuel rationing for the delay and said he expected the inspections to resume Monday, at least in the Baghdad area.

36.   Weapons inspections must resume at some point, U.N. official says.

37.   While the United States has supported the new Iraq policy, it is wary of implementing the changes before weapons inspections resume in Iraq.

38.   Russia has sought to persuade Baghdad to let international arms inspections resume in return for an eventual lifting of UN sanctions.

n. + resume >>共 801
talk 15.05%
negotiation 5.77%
play 3.97%
trial 3.80%
flight 2.08%
hearing 1.38%
service 1.36%
side 1.35%
work 1.18%
game 1.10%
inspection 0.62%
inspection + v. >>共 139
be 24.20%
take 8.30%
reveal 6.92%
resume 5.26%
find 4.98%
show 4.43%
begin 3.73%
continue 2.90%
go 2.07%
last 2.07%
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