31.   He also called it an inevitable result of capitalism.

32.   He figures the personality clashes and backbiting were the inevitable result of doing what he was hired to do.

33.   His father was a dentist in Texas who claimed a few horses when Jerry was a kid, with the inevitable result.

34.   If situation ethics prevail, socioeconomic anarchy will be the inevitable result.

35.   In fact, many people believe impotence is caused by emotional problems or is an inevitable result of normal aging and that there is no effective treatment.

36.   In the last weeks, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has demanded that the City University system drastically reduce its remedial courses, the inevitable result of open admissions.

37.   It could be that a delay in the start of the season is an inevitable result of that long and tedious process.

38.   Like other racists of his era, Bilbo believed that an inevitable result of dismantling segregation would be the amalgamation of the races through intermarriage.

39.   Most egregiously, these economists have failed to put their models to empirical tests, with the inevitable result that the models have proved inadequate for predicting.

40.   Others said they saw the problems leading up to the elections as the inevitable result of a country that is tottering towards democracy.

a. + result >>共 679
final 7.18%
official 4.68%
preliminary 3.07%
positive 2.81%
financial 2.80%
mixed 2.77%
first 2.72%
good 2.35%
similar 2.24%
best 2.11%
inevitable 0.53%
inevitable + n. >>共 754
result 4.95%
consequence 3.36%
question 3.36%
comparison 2.94%
part 1.83%
conclusion 1.41%
outcome 1.16%
change 0.98%
conflict 0.92%
problem 0.92%
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