31.   Even Microsoft concedes that it is not designed for the majority of individual PC users.

32.   Generally, the first line of defense in a contributory copyright case is to assert individual users are not guilty of copyright infringement.

33.   Given the relatively small number of individual users who use comparatively simple measures such as virus checkers and regular backups, this task will often fall on network managers.

34.   He also said the fact that Metallica was able to compile a list of alleged offenders means individual Napster users could have something to worry about.

35.   If Internet companies cannot control millions of servers, at least the individual user can control his or her own machine.

36.   In recent weeks, debate has emerged over new technologies that have been deployed to allow companies to track individual users on the Internet.

37.   In turn, if individual users are not guilty of copyright infringement then the company cannot be guilty of contributory infringement, Boise said in an interview.

38.   In the case of MusicCity, for example, the company inserts updated advertisements into the software of individual users.

39.   Individual users will gain potential capacity to dial into Internet at twice the speeds that are available now.

40.   Its software routes online transactions, or content, from the browsers of individual users to computers best able to handle search requests immediately.

a. + user >>共 605
new 7.18%
home 6.31%
individual 2.86%
industrial 2.41%
heavy 2.13%
corporate 1.92%
commercial 1.64%
potential 1.57%
average 1.57%
big 1.46%
individual + n. >>共 1275
investor 6.09%
country 1.83%
stock 1.71%
case 1.56%
right 1.53%
member 1.45%
company 1.36%
retirement 1.35%
state 1.11%
event 0.99%
user 0.52%
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