31.   Hasan said the shareholders were still waiting for a due dilligence report, an independent assessment of the potential gold deposit in Busang before moving ahead with the deal.

32.   However, the company called for the independent assessment to be conducted immediately.

33.   Clarke said he would seek an independent psychiatric assessment of Catts and take this into consideration when passing sentence.

34.   Three truces have collapsed since the first came into force at midnight on Monday, with no independent military assessment available of who fired the first shots.

35.   It said it had obtained full police checks and an independent psychological assessment to ensure that Howard did not pose any physical or moral threat to students.

36.   Pinheiro also encouraged humanitarian aid efforts to Myanmar, but said programs should hinge on independent assessments and monitoring to ensure funds were directed to villagers.

a. + assessment >>共 552
upbeat 4.91%
environmental 3.58%
new 2.12%
accurate 2.03%
initial 1.86%
preliminary 1.64%
similar 1.64%
independent 1.59%
economic 1.59%
overall 1.55%
independent + n. >>共 763
counsel 8.67%
state 5.72%
confirmation 3.90%
newspaper 2.28%
candidate 2.14%
medium 1.92%
homeland 1.77%
commission 1.65%
company 1.58%
group 1.54%
assessment 0.18%
每页显示:    共 36