31.   Some of his victims worry that McVeigh will become a martyr, inciting further violence.

32.   The dispute has now heated up considerably, with protesters accusing organizers of insensitivity and organizers accusing protesters of planning to incite violence.

33.   The executives agreed to consider editing such tapes to remove language that might incite violence against Americans, but not to do so automatically.

34.   The Israeli government has complained that Palestinian authorities are inciting violence through anti-Israeli propaganda broadcast on radio and preached by Muslim clerics.

35.   The North Dakota senators and several other opponents of the amendment are sponsoring an ordinary bill that would outlaw flag-burning if it was intended to incite violence.

36.   The White House said broadcasting statements by bin Laden could incite violence or possibly send signals to terrorists.

37.   There are two principles that distinguish protected speech from speech that incites violence, according to Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union.

38.   They say he must take steps against anyone who incites violence, but this too is open to interpretation.

39.   We were united in the belief that freedom of speech does not include the freedom to incite violence or to foment insubordination against the government elected by the people.

40.   You cannot suppress speech that might incite violence unless the danger is imminent.

v. + violence >>共 558
end 6.15%
prevent 5.30%
stop 5.23%
report 4.14%
use 4.00%
condemn 3.01%
fear 2.74%
renounce 2.66%
curb 2.59%
quell 2.18%
incite 1.79%
incite + n. >>共 200
violence 17.17%
riot 9.31%
hatred 8.22%
unrest 6.17%
protest 3.26%
people 3.26%
crowd 3.02%
attack 2.30%
murder 1.69%
public 1.45%
每页显示:    共 141