31.   FBI investigators joined Berkeley homicide detectives in the search for evidence.

32.   Five years later, he was promoted to homicide detective and became one of the best, using his outgoing nature to work a network of tipsters and snitches.

33.   FBI agents and a homicide detective and crime scene detective from Arlington traveled to El Dorado to interview the suspects, who will be returned to Arlington.

34.   For Capt. Luis Francisco MarYno Florez, a homicide detective in Medellin, child assassins are more dangerous than adult ones.

35.   For Capt. Luis Francisco Marino Florez, a homicide detective in Medellin, child assassins are more dangerous than adult ones.

36.   For many homicide detectives, the current drop in adult homicides is not an unalloyed blessing.

37.   He also said that a former Dallas homicide detective acclaimed for obtaining confessions grilled Darlie Routier for two hours, and she still maintained her innocence.

38.   He even makes use of the fact that nobody plays working stiffs as convincingly as Ed Harris, here seen as a dogged D.C. homicide detective.

39.   He had never been a serious boxer or trainer or promoter, having spent most of his professional life as a homicide detective in Hudson County, N.J.

40.   He said his sources have included magazine and newspaper articles, books and interviews with a couple of Los Angeles homicide detectives.

n. + detective >>共 108
police 49.12%
homicide 17.84%
squad 4.40%
narcotic 2.51%
city 2.14%
disease 1.63%
murder 1.63%
plainclothes 1.26%
store 1.26%
fraud 1.13%
homicide + n. >>共 70
detective 26.39%
rate 12.64%
charge 12.27%
investigator 8.55%
case 5.95%
investigation 3.90%
death 3.53%
squad 2.79%
unit 2.04%
division 2.04%
每页显示:    共 141