31.   Goodnight is understandably a history buff.

32.   He also is a self-described history buff and Kennedy fanatic, collecting old newspapers and magazines from that era.

33.   He is also a history buff.

34.   He said he hoped that the Gotham Center would help build a coalition among scholars, museum professionals, preservationists and history buffs.

35.   He said Jiang, known for being a history buff, was excited about visiting Williamsburg.

36.   History buff Jerry Matters says that during WWII, the Japanese shut off U.S. access to all rubber plantations, so we had a rubber crisis.

37.   History buff.

38.   History buffs come to marvel at what a force this multifaceted river was in the industrial development of southern New England.

39.   History buffs know that Cleopatra lacked such drop-dead beauty.

40.   History buffs can participate in an online history quiz marathon, which will complement a daylong program on the History Channel.

n. + buff >>共 137
history 16.58%
film 10.43%
movie 5.64%
computer 4.96%
opera 4.62%
fitness 4.44%
conspiracy 4.27%
train 2.22%
theater 2.22%
music 2.05%
history + n. >>共 261
book 24.31%
professor 10.62%
lesson 10.41%
teacher 6.67%
buff 4.97%
class 3.95%
museum 2.92%
department 2.05%
textbook 1.95%
course 1.59%
每页显示:    共 97