31.   Brazil eased annual inflation targets Thursday in response to growing criticism that reining in consumer prices was hindering economic growth.

32.   Bush would dump the treaty, crafted in Kyoto, Japan, more than two years ago, arguing it would devastate businesses and hinder economic growth.

33.   But slow progress in the reform and restructuring of corporate sector is likely to hinder the growth of domestic economy, the report warned.

34.   He said corruption had hindered growth in the five Caspian states and a lack of legal guarantees had scared away investors.

35.   He said corruption had hindered growth in the five states and a lack of legal guarantees had scared away investors.

36.   Many economists warn that the country is too dependent on oil and that falling prices could hinder future growth.

37.   Many economists warn that the country is too dependent on oil and that a drop in oil prices could hinder future growth.

38.   --Protection must not stifle or hinder the growth of other industries.

39.   Reduced exports to overseas markets and deflationary pressures are forcing many companies to slash production and new business investments, hindering growth, it said.

40.   Such a figure would show a reversal of the stagnation during the final years of apartheid, when economic sanctions and political uncertainty hindered growth.

v. + growth >>共 699
slow 6.79%
spur 4.62%
stimulate 4.51%
boost 3.36%
show 3.06%
promote 2.72%
see 2.68%
encourage 2.14%
expect 2.01%
fuel 1.99%
hinder 0.55%
hinder + n. >>共 385
effort 10.49%
ability 4.26%
development 3.95%
progress 3.80%
growth 3.65%
investigation 3.42%
work 2.28%
competition 2.05%
prosecution 1.67%
recovery 1.52%
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