31.   Reminded of the bizarre twists and highs and lows that have come almost every day since the election, Linder held his ground.

32.   She has books coming out in the fall and next spring, and currently is working on a novel.

33.   Synthetic filaments have been around since about World War II, and have come a long way since.

34.   That degree of success has come despite the extraordinary way in which doctors have carried out the first hand transplant performed with microsurgery and anti-rejection drugs.

35.   Television shows about single men at home have been proliferating, and have come a long way since the days of Oscar and Felix.

36.   That offer was later cut in half but is still the only one Woodson has had come his way.

37.   That stuff that used to turn skin an unhuman shade of orange has come a long way.

38.   That was almost three years ago, and, to cadge from yet another consumer products ad, Dunlop has come a long way, baby.

39.   The band has come a long way since its first gig four years ago, appearing at a North Carolina bistro.

40.   The evolving statements had come much closer to matching the facts and she received immunity in exchange for testifying, court and police records say.

v. + come >>共 321
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will 6.16%
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work 2.54%
figure 2.42%
can 1.81%
hear 1.45%
keep 1.45%
have + v. >>共 557
say 7.39%
have 7.16%
do 4.33%
come 4.33%
unite 2.37%
be 2.19%
make 2.02%
go 1.50%
get 1.50%
run 1.21%
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