31.   But the harsh Afghan winter will hamper American and British ground actions in Afghanistan.

32.   But winning militarily, some fear, may be easier than preventing widespread starvation during the harsh winter months in Afghanistan.

33.   But with a harsh Hindu Kush winter just weeks away, food and shelter remain the top priorities.

34.   Canadian Pacific said it provided the best service possible to grain shippers through a harsh winter.

35.   Coyotes certainly will kill deer under favorable conditions, which usually means weak deer during a harsh winter comparable to the one we experienced last year.

36.   Despite a late start after a harsh winter and a wet spring, he hopes to have a good crop and fetch an equally good price.

37.   Drought, combined with an unusually harsh winter, has brought hunger and malnutrition to the Middle East and parts of Asia as well.

38.   During harsh winters, heating bills rise, while new construction projects and discretionary shopping trips fall off.

39.   Earlier this year, energy prices surged after a harsh winter caused shortages of crude oil and crops.

40.   Drought and heat last summer, combined with a harsh winter, affected grain and corn crops, sending prices through the roof.

a. + winter >>共 703
last 23.97%
cold 5.35%
mild 4.49%
harsh 4.27%
next 3.69%
late 2.92%
severe 1.92%
long 1.92%
warm 1.88%
past 1.54%
harsh + n. >>共 607
word 8.36%
criticism 7.28%
winter 5.28%
condition 4.25%
reality 3.64%
weather 2.86%
punishment 2.59%
treatment 2.22%
rhetoric 2.10%
penalty 2.00%
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