31.   Scientists should be moving away from using animals in research, and the biggest problem endangered cat species face is habitat destruction, he said.

32.   The expert said habitat destruction and hunting had brought some species to the brink of extinction.

33.   The main reasons cited for the dwindling populations are overfishing, low population growth and habitat destruction from industrial pollution and sewage.

34.   The ruling left out indirect threats like habitat destruction.

35.   The studies will examine how environmental changes such as habitat destruction, global warming and pollution may cause new diseases to emerge and old ones to become more deadly.

36.   Today, habitat destruction, population growth and an insatiable demand for tiger parts may be too much for the remaining tigers to survive.

37.   They have predicted an upsurge in mosquito-borne illnesses such as malaria and extinction of plant and animal species because of habitat destruction.

38.   Giant panda numbers in the wild have been dwindling because of habitat destruction, bamboo die-offs and poaching.

39.   Widespread and ongoing habitat destruction deprives the birds of their food sources.

n. + destruction >>共 87
document 24.66%
habitat 13.36%
ozone 6.16%
forest 4.79%
property 4.79%
weapon 2.74%
embryo 2.05%
crop 2.05%
bone 1.71%
hurricane 1.71%
habitat + n. >>共 86
destruction 15.85%
loss 11.38%
protection 10.98%
plan 6.91%
conservation 3.25%
restoration 2.44%
area 2.03%
biologist 2.03%
change 2.03%
type 2.03%
每页显示:    共 39