31.   Seconds later, a gunman killed the official with a single shot.

32.   She said FRAPH gunmen killed her brother five weeks ago.

33.   Soldiers at checkpoints have been on heightened alert since Palestinian gunmen killed six soldiers at a West Bank roadblock last Tuesday.

34.   Teen gunmen killed more than a dozen people at the Colorado high school his son attended.

35.   Ten months ago, four gunmen almost killed him with a bullet through his abdomen after he refused to stop his relentless newspaper attacks on the local political kingpin.

36.   The advance into Ramallah came after a Palestinian gunman killed an Israeli motorist hours earlier.

37.   That was shattered on Tuesday when two Arab gunmen killed six Israelis near the town.

38.   The ensuing limited cease-fire has been shredded this month by worsening violence as Palestinian gunmen resumed killing Israelis and Israel resumed killing militants it accused of deadly attacks.

39.   The gunman killed a Saudi guard and wounded several British workers there.

40.   The gunman killed a hostage before being shot and killed by police.

n. + kill >>共 1422
police 4.72%
gunman 4.65%
soldier 4.50%
troop 4.12%
rebel 3.83%
force 3.03%
guerrilla 2.38%
militant 2.12%
explosion 1.74%
man 1.67%
gunman + v. >>共 486
open 11.22%
shoot 10.51%
fire 7.53%
kill 7.07%
be 5.24%
attack 3.24%
flee 3.23%
escape 2.24%
ambush 2.00%
take 1.45%
每页显示:    共 423