31.   A guidance counselor lost a brother-in-law and nephews.

32.   A guidance counselor wrote how happy she had been to see him turn his life around in his senior year.

33.   A decade ago, many guidance counselors say, high school seniors with good grades typically applied to four, five or six schools.

34.   A guidance counselor by training and a stay-at-home dad by choice, Holcman came by this opportunity through happenstance.

35.   A few began crying minutes into their testimony, but collected themselves, glancing often at their parents, the school principal and guidance counselor in the front row.

36.   A message from a guidance counselor at a prestigious suburban school asked that Phyllis Bocian get in touch as soon as possible.

37.   A high school guidance counselor encouraged him to get his GED and enroll in college.

38.   A month later, he told his guidance counselor and biology teacher that he was bisexual.

39.   A substitute teacher was summoned, as were psychologists, social workers and guidance counselors for the students.

40.   A small number of cases involved principals, guidance counselors and, in one instance, a school psychologist.

n. + counselor >>共 167
guidance 21.39%
school 9.01%
grief 6.62%
career 6.62%
marriage 5.43%
drug 4.13%
health 3.15%
investment 2.39%
crisis 2.06%
job 1.95%
guidance + n. >>共 60
counselor 42.73%
system 28.20%
note 2.82%
office 2.17%
computer 1.95%
technology 1.74%
program 1.08%
equipment 0.87%
device 0.87%
material 0.87%
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