31.   His top law enforcement official, Interior Minister Fernando Rospigliosi, asserted that extremist groups are trying to take advantage of the growing discontent to destabilize the government.

32.   In a sign of the growing discontent, a lobby group called Constitution for Israel on Tuesday called on Israeli leaders to draft ultra-Orthodox Jews into the army.

33.   Moreover, the growing discontent among employees who will be affected is expected to be one of the obstacles to the process.

34.   Mounting protests, petitions and lawsuits seem to indicate growing discontent among rural Chinese over their treatment by often tyrannical local officials.

35.   Niger is faced with growing discontent in both civilian and military circles, with the government cracking down on opponents while apparently unable to pay its soldiers.

36.   Ramos gathered the Cabinet for a day-long performance review amid growing discontent over his administration, as shown by his declining popularity in recent polls.

37.   Russia faces growing discontent as the economy continues to decline and millions of workers go without pay.

38.   Soto last week shocked the country by demanding the resignation of Chavez, underlining growing discontent with the administration and sparking mass protests in support of the colonel.

39.   The government apparently wants to stem growing discontent over deteriorating economic conditions, especially in the North and East.

40.   The government tax package and allegations of widespread corruption have led to growing discontent with Ms. Bhutto.

a. + discontent >>共 106
public 17.23%
popular 15.37%
widespread 12.33%
growing 9.12%
social 6.59%
simmering 3.04%
economic 2.87%
rising 2.53%
political 2.03%
domestic 1.52%
growing + n. >>共 1046
number 13.02%
concern 3.32%
demand 2.65%
pressure 1.77%
problem 1.59%
season 1.57%
market 1.53%
economy 1.41%
popularity 1.21%
list 1.20%
discontent 0.27%
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