31.   The group sent the company nine referrals, resulting in only one newly hired driver.

32.   The group has sent a delegation to inform Boutros-Ghali of the decision.

33.   The group sent Freedom of Information Act requests to a dozen agencies in January.

34.   The group sent him a legal brief today substantiating its position, and called on Mendoza to appoint an independent counsel to protect the public interest.

35.   The group will send you a twice-yearly newsletter on vacation opportunities called Habitat Global Adventure.

36.   The group also sent a letter to Bush informing him of the formation of the committee.

37.   The group sent out letters to five leading geneticists, asking if the foundation could pay them to find the gene.

38.   The group sent the proposal back to the drawing board, endorsing the notion of bringing the frontier concept into the logo.

39.   The group will send a team to Afghanistan in March to conduct a country-wide investigation, Bouckaert said.

40.   The groups sent the commission a copy of a document that was contained in court papers in the lawsuit that Minnesota filed against the tobacco industry.

n. + send >>共 1025
government 4.44%
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official 1.67%
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group 1.35%
authority 1.27%
agency 1.19%
parent 1.19%
people 1.14%
country 1.12%
group + v. >>共 723
say 9.83%
be 9.19%
have 3.36%
claim 3.17%
include 1.64%
call 1.57%
plan 1.51%
accuse 1.35%
want 1.19%
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