31.   Gadbois, Crowley and Rubin said they are considering asking the Legislature to revise the rules or grant a waiver.

32.   Frequently, waivers are granted in the spirit of international cooperation.

33.   Granting a waiver is based solely on the quality of reception in a given home.

34.   He said Helms fears that granting the waiver will take pressure off of Nicaragua.

35.   He would not say who at the State Department granted the waiver for Mrs. Mandela after she arrived at the airport.

36.   HHS originally granted a waiver, which was in effect when the District Court and Court of Appeals ruled.

37.   However, the Nasdaq often grants waivers to technology and biotech companies, said Nasdaq spokesman Reid Walker.

38.   Holbrooke provided an account of that service to the State Department, which then recommended a waiver be granted by the Department of Defense.

39.   I was granted a waiver.

40.   If a waiver is granted, a school district could take the federal money it receives for one program and use it for another program they deem more necessary.

v. + waiver >>共 113
clear 20.82%
grant 13.84%
sign 10.63%
seek 7.64%
receive 4.87%
obtain 4.43%
get 2.77%
approve 2.66%
issue 2.55%
require 1.88%
grant + n. >>共 628
amnesty 6.33%
permission 4.99%
asylum 4.13%
request 4.10%
immunity 3.28%
visa 3.06%
access 3.03%
bail 2.78%
interview 2.60%
approval 2.50%
waiver 1.74%
每页显示:    共 124