31.   The consultations, however, could also provide Ramos a graceful exit if they lead to a conclusion that charter amendments are untimely.

32.   The regents also sought a graceful exit from an issue that has drawn fierce protests.

33.   TV spirits refuse to make such graceful exits, continuing to mooch screen time in greedy mortal fashion.

34.   What is best for Chaiyawat and his team is to bow out while there is still time and a graceful exit remains open.

35.   Foreign mediators are seeking to prevent a bloodbath in Kinshasa and the graceful exit of Mobutu, whose dictatorial rule has lasted for more than three decades.

36.   The US government, which says General Raoul Cedras and his associates can choose to leave, clearly does not believe they will take the graceful exit.

a. + exit >>共 308
early 14.95%
emergency 14.05%
quick 6.37%
graceful 2.94%
nearest 2.21%
new 2.04%
first 1.47%
only 1.47%
final 1.14%
round 1.14%
graceful + n. >>共 349
exit 6.13%
way 4.77%
movement 1.87%
arch 1.87%
arc 1.70%
curve 1.19%
motion 1.02%
aging 1.02%
performance 1.02%
line 1.02%
每页显示:    共 36